Services:Steam Canopy, 90 minute Massage Therapy Session change

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  • Massage Therapy:

    Our Massage Therapy services and treatments are the perfect blend of therapeutic and relaxation techniques. Each therapist combines multiple modalities to achieve your goals for the session.

    • 30 minute Massage Therapy Session $55
      For those clients wanting to focus their massage on 1 - 2 areas of the body.

    • 45 minute Massage Therapy Session $75
      This time allows for focused work on 2 - 3 areas of the body or a very brief full-body session.

    • 60 minute Massage Therapy Session $95
      Our most commonly scheduled massage session which allows enough time for a full-body session (neck, back, arms, hands, leg and feet).

    • 75 minute Massage Therapy Session $110
      A great length of session for focused work on an area while still allowing enough time for a full-body session.

    • 45 minute Grateful Back $75
      Deep tissue techniques combined with soothing strokes for back, shoulders, and neck.

    • 75 minute Grateful Back $110
      Still enjoy the focused work and release from the 45-minute Grateful Back with enough time to make the session a full-body.

    • 60 minute Hot Stone Massage Therapy Session $105
      An ancient treatment using hot stones made smooth by the waves of Lake Superior. Long, slow strokes promote a sense of grounding while the heat softens and relieves tense, tired muscles.  

    • 90 minute Hot Stone Massage Therapy Session $140
      Even more time to relax and rejuvenate.  A hot stone session requires more time than a traditional massage, so we recommend a 90 minute session for a full-body service.

    • 60 minute Hot Bamboo Massage $105
      Experience the deeply relaxing rhythmic strokes of smooth heated bamboo. A wonderful service for those who enjoy a moderate to deeper pressure applied broadly rather than specifically. Given the nature of the material, we don't recommend this service for our most slender clients.

    • 90 minute Hot Bamboo Massage $140
      Experience the deeply relaxing rhythmic strokes of smooth heated bamboo. A wonderful service for those who enjoy a moderate to deeper pressure applied broadly rather than specifically. A 90 minute service allows ample time for a full-body session with focused work on one to two areas. Given the nature of the material, we don't recommend this service for our most slender clients.

    • Peppermint Pedissage $55
      Using steaming towels and our house-made Peppermint Foot Cream to massage the feet and calves, this treatment truly has a "sole" focus.  A wonderful treat on its own or the perfect ending to a full-body session (save $10 as an add-on).

    • Foot Reflexology Treatment $60
      Reflexology is an ancient practice where different zones or reflexes are massaged and activated to promote wellness. This treatment has a "sole" therapeutic focus on the feet and concludes with steamed towels leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed for your next adventure.

      *Please note that the practitioner for this service is a trained, but unlicensed reflexologist.
  • Spa Treatments

    Experience one of our unique Spa Treatments, all created here and customized for each particular client.

    • Crown Treatment $55
      This treatment begins with neck and shoulder massage to help you relax, a warmed oil blend with scalp reviving properties is applied and a luxurious head massage follows.  An argan oil facial massage and steamed towel removal finish the service. (save $10 when this service is added-on to another massage or spa treatment)

    • 45 minute Ultimate Relaxer $75
      Focusing on head, neck, shoulders, hands and feet with an aromatherapy facial steam and steaming towels for the feet.  You'll see why we call it the Ultimate Relaxer!

    • 75 minute Ultimate Relaxer $110
      Incorporating all the elements of the 45-min service and the extra time allows it to be a full-body session.

    • Body Polish Indulgence $160
      Expertly blended into a full-body massage session is our seasonal exfoliant designed to increase circulation and smooth the skin. Your body is then treated to the warm steam therapy and deep relaxation of our Steam Canopy while your scalp and face receive extra attention.

    • Refreshen Wrap $160
      Your legs, arms, and back are gently brushed with our seasonal body mask and you are then cocooned in a wrap while you stay cozy and warm with a delicious scalp and facial treatment. A quick rinse follows after which you are deeply relaxed and ready for your full-body massage carefully designed to meet your particular needs.

    • Paradise Perhaps $180
      Begin with our unique Steam Canopy treatment to soften the skin and let your mind relax. Our seasonally selected scrub smooths your legs, arms, and back and is melted away with the application of warm compresses. A beautiful body masque complements the scrub and your body is wrapped and kept warm while your feet receive extra attention. You will then take a brief, private shower to prepare the body for an incredible full-body massage customized for your particular needs. You may glimpse heaven.

Staff: No preference, Anna Johnson - Massage Therapist & Esthetician, Jen Banowetz - Massage Therapist, Sarah Garner - Massage Therapist